Are you stuck in your manuscript?

Have you written your fiction book and don’t know what steps to take next?

Have you contacted agent after agent to get your book published with Traditional Publishing companies like Penquin Random House or HarperCollins only to hear crickets in return?

Are you ready to learn the publishing process?

Have you decided to self-publish but are on information overload?



Wants to self-publish/be an indie-author.

Needs someone to help them create a plan that works for their life and schedule AND walk them through it.

Does better working one-on-one with a personal guide rather than taking a course.

Needs outside accountability to get things done.




We begin exactly were you are.

Create and execute a plan to publish your book that works with a realistic timeline for your life.

Tap into your strengths and leverage them to accomplish your publishing dream.

Walk you through the planning and tasks required to reach your goals of publishing your book.

Ready you for publishing the next book.




My private coaching and mentoring experience is based on your needs.

One-on-One Calls

As a private client, you will have access to my calendar and can schedule your calls as needed. I coach Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. You can schedule up to 4 calls per month.

Our first call will be getting to know you and your publishing goals, where you’re at in the process, and how self-publishing fits into your life. After each session, I’ll assign tasks/work/things for you to do before our next call.

Each following call I ask that you show up with your work completed so that we can continue moving forward. I will support you, brainstorm with you, and answer any questions you may have.

We can meet via video or phone call, whatever your preference is.

Email and Text Support

You will have two email support conversations from me Monday – Friday during (9 AM – 6 PM CST) in between sessions. If you need a quicker response, you also have four text support from me Monday – Friday during (9 AM – 6 PM CST) in between sessions.

A Personal Plan Created Specifically for You

You will have access to my thousands of hours of experience as an indie-author and publisher. Together we can brainstorm timeline ideas that will fit self-publishing a book into your life. I will share my best advice and feedback for your next moves, whether that includes your creative content for social media posts, book launch, and beyond.

If you need one month or a year, we’ll create your personal timeline and plan to get you published.

Do you have a friend or two that would like to do a group package? We can make that happen too.

Complete the form to schedule your free mini-session to find the right publishing path for you.

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