poem Dark – Light


Written by Regan, a sixteen year old girl and main character in Summer’s End.

dark is the day

deep as night

the heavens above hold no light

doubt is the coup of intelligence

weakening resolve

no longer relevant

transfigure me

take my spirit

pleading before the gate of heaven

a distant ember

glimmering sparkle

an inkling of hope, foreshadow of morrow

new moon expelled from present dimension

sparkle explodes

starry scene intervention

constellation step forward

heavens delight

transition with summer brilliant deep sky

awaken full moon

emerge sunrise

summer knows no boundaries to empathize

warmth of sand, a comfort beach

future beyond

now in reach

freedom unfettered

lifting heart

revelation of voice, a dreamer’s life matters

with something uniting

refracting light

sol dips down giving up the fight

ravishing beauty as sun kisses horizon

shared reflections

ever more beguiling

iris soft denim

beckoning call

enthralled by the beauty of all that you are

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