A Battle for Control
A roar is building – boiling up
from the tips of her toes to her chest – it’s too much
It swells inside – about to explode
Hands – balled into fists of rage
Nails dig in – she feels the pain
A grumble – rolling of the tongue
Fighting – control the muted one
Loud – bantering in her head
Silent – outside of it
Look to the heavens – clenched mouth opens wide
Muted roar exhales – wrenching twist inside
A battle exists – behind those eyes
Fire V Earth
Jupiter V Saturn
Dreamer V Realist
Neither will dominate – no winner abides
Stop the battling – you need each other to survive
You are one – special, more than most
Intuitive, sensational – you are both
Impulsive and fiery
Slower and calculated
Work together – compromise
Use the best of both sides
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