Where I’ve Been — Where I Am — Where I’m Going

Office Chaos                                                             pic 1 office chaos

What do you see in these pictures?  The process of packing or unpacking?  Is it that room?  You know, the one that catches all the stuff you don’t have space for, but don’t want to get rid of.  Maybe it reminds you of your slob-friend’s bedroom.  Or, it could be your crazy aunt’s room she forced you to work in to earn your keep in return for supper.

This room is chaos–in every way.  Seriously, have you ever tried to work in a room like this?  Just being in it would be enough to make some of you anxiously antsy.  Maybe even borderline panic attack.  If you look closely, on the walls, 1980s faux painting is alive and well…and still ugly.

The truth is, this is my office.  I KNOW!  It’s driving my me absolutely CRAZY!

You may have noticed I haven’t posted anything lately.  I apologize for that, but I have a reason for it and a reason for this pathetic office.  I MOVED!  Normally, when I know I’m going to be unavailable, on vacation, or extra busy, I plan ahead by scheduling pieces to be posted.  This move was a quick, rushed event, which is even more unpleasant than a planned, organized move.  My husband’s work has taken us several degrees north of Texas to Illinois.  We are getting acclimated and I am now trying to catch up on writing as I tackle the To Do List that comes with a move.

It is really hard for me to function in this space.  On the plus side, this office is a little more spacious than my previous one.  And I know it’s going to be great–at some point.  So first things first…paint.  Let’s get a little interactive here-send me your suggestions.  Please.  What paint color is fitting for an organized and inspiring space?

That is where I’ve been.  This is where I am.  Paint and organizing is, in the short term, where I am going–in order to travel to the long term writing.  Stay tuned.